Дан Арбель

Отделение: Педиатрия, Хирургия
Должность: Хирург, педиатр
Принимает: детей и взрослых

Доктор Дан Арбель - детский хирург.

Научные публикации

Removal notice to "Successful management of an Iatrogenic portal vein and hepatic artery injury in a 4-month-old female patient: A case report and literature review" [Radiology Case Reports 19 (2024) 2106-2111]
Hemoglobin Binding to the Red Blood Cell (RBC) Membrane Is Associated with Decreased Cell Deformability
REMOVED: Successful management of an Iatrogenic portal vein and hepatic artery injury in a 4-month-old female patient: A case report and literature review
Red Blood Cell Deformability Is Expressed by a Set of Interrelated Membrane Proteins
Post-operative anterior diaphragmatic hernias in children with Trisomy 21 after cardiac surgery
Plasma transfusion to premature newborns as a risk factor of necrotizing enterocolitis development: Proposed mechanism
The inhibition of glucose uptake to erythrocytes: microwave dielectric response
Bowel Resection Through a Single Umbilical Incision: A Case Series
Determination of red blood cell adhesion to vascular endothelial cells: A critical role for blood plasma
Do We Store Packed Red Blood Cells under "Quasi-Diabetic" Conditions?
Deformability of cord blood vs. newborns' red blood cells: implication for blood transfusion
Inter-donor variability in deformability of red blood cells in blood units
Unit-to-unit variability in the deformability of red blood cells
The dielectric spectroscopy of human red blood cells during 37-day storage: β-dispersion parameterization
Preparation of packed red blood cell units in the blood bank: Alteration in red blood cell deformability
Hemodynamic Functionality of Stored Red Blood Cells: An Important Metric of Blood Unit Quality
Risk of red cell exposure to the water anomaly upon blood unit cold-storage
Is It Possible to Reverse the Storage-Induced Lesion of Red Blood Cells?
Hemodynamic Functionality of Transfused Red Blood Cells in the Microcirculation of Blood Recipients
Intestinal tight junctions are severely altered in NEC preterm neonates
Deformability of transfused red blood cells is a potent effector of transfusion-induced hemoglobin increment: A study with β-thalassemia major patients
Characteristics of mesenteric lymphadenitis in comparison with those of acute appendicitis in children
Neonatal sigmoid volvulus
Deformability of transfused red blood cells is a potent determinant of transfusion-induced change in recipient's blood flow
Polystyrene Nanoparticles Activate Erythrocyte Aggregation and Adhesion to Endothelial Cells
Extremely Low Birth Weight Infant Born with Extensive Abdominal Cutis Aplasia
Transaldolase Deficiency: A New Case Expands the Phenotypic Spectrum
Storage-induced damage to red blood cell mechanical properties can be only partially reversed by rejuvenation
A new job for an old device: a novel use for nerve stimulators in anorectal malformations
Endovascular management of blunt renal artery trauma
Abdominal cystic mass in an adolescent
Pilonidal cyst involving the clitoris in an 8-year-old girl--a case report and literature review
Rotavirus-associated colitis in a six-month-old baby
Sigmoid colon volvulus in early infancy: do not miss it!
Plasma factor in red blood cells adhesion to endothelial cells: humans and rats
Renal, pancreatic, splenic, mesenteric, and portal venous gas as a sign of intestinal necrosis
Ectopic presacral choroid plexus cyst in a neonate
Search for the azygos: a lesson learnt from a case with left superior vena cava, esophageal atresia and tracheo-esophageal fistula
Should we disconnect perforated and nonperforated appendicitis in children?
Bedside laparotomy in the extremely low birth weight baby: a plea to bring the surgeon to the baby
Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair in infants
Anterior mediastinal cystic lesion: excise rather than delay
Midgut volvulus following laparoscopic gastric banding--a rare and dangerous situation
Superior mesenteric artery syndrome masquerading as recurrent biliary pancreatitis
Imperforate anus, malrotation, and Hirschsprung's disease: a rare and important association
Duodenojejunal atresia with absent dorsal mesentery, choledochal cyst, and malrotation in a premature newborn--a case report
Prevention of esophageal strictures in a caustic burn model using halofuginone, an inhibitor of collagen type I synthesis
Duplication cyst of the duodenum as an unusual cause of massive gastrointestinal bleeding in an infant
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