Омер Ор

Должность: Ортопед-онколог
Языки: Английский
Принимает: детей и взрослых

Доктор Омер Ор - ортопед-онколог

Научные публикации

Home Versus Hospital Rehabilitation of Older Adults Following Hip Fracture Yields Similar Patient-Reported Outcome Measures
Is It Safe to Resume Direct Oral Anticoagulants upon Discharge after Hip Fracture Surgery? A Retrospective Study
Utilising patient-reported outcomes for goal-directed therapy of hip fracture patients: a sequential controlled trial
Perception of Goals and Expected Outcomes in Older Hip Fracture Patients and Their Medical Staff: A Cross Sectional Study
Rapid Classification of Sarcomas Using Methylation Fingerprint: A Pilot Study
The Suitability of Measuring Patient-Reported Outcomes in Older Adults Following a Hip Fracture Using the Short-Form 36 Questionnaire: A Qualitative Description Approach
A DNA methylation atlas of normal human cell types
Paraneoplastic syndrome due to angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma: a known presentation of an uncommon diagnosis in a rare site and age
Postexposure-vaccine-prophylaxis against COVID-19
Modified Transhumeral Amputation: A Case Report
Fragility fracture management and FLS models in South Africa and Israel
Prediction of Long Bone Fractures in Multiple Myeloma Patients in an Advanced Imaging World
Fracture Liaison Service for Hip Fractures: Is It A Game Changer?
Friedrich Disease: A Case Report
Knee intra-articular extraskeletal aneurysmal bone cyst: a case report and review of literature
Using skin prick test to sesame paste in the diagnosis of sesame seed allergy
MiR-16-1-3p and miR-16-2-3p possess strong tumor suppressive and antimetastatic properties in osteosarcoma
Anabolic agents: what is beyond osteoporosis?
Spinal epidural abscess with a rapid course in young healthy infantry recruits with multiple skin lacerations
Minocycline Effectively Protects the Rabbit's Spinal Cord From Aortic Occlusion-Related Ischemia
The outcome of early revision of malaligned pediatric supracondylar humerus fractures
The role of routine imaging procedures in the detection of relapse of patients with Hodgkin lymphoma and aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma
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