Дорон Афрамян

Отделение: Стоматология
Должность: Стоматолог
Принимает: детей и взрослых

Профессор Дорон Афрамян - доктор стоматологической медицины, магистр естественных наук, доктор философии, профессор Еврейского университета. Заведующий отделением, центрами синдрома Шегрена и нарушений вкуса и обоняния. Руководитель лаборатории и клинической службы по заболеваниям слюнных желез


  • Оральные жидкости как диагностический инструмент
  • Создание банка оральных жидкостей
  • Механизмы патологических путей при синдроме Шегрена
  • Нарушение функции слюнных желез, вызванное I131
  • Диагностика нарушений вкуса и обоняния
  • Внутрипротоковая ирригация и сиалоэндоскопия для облегчения ксеростомии
  • Регенеративная медицина для восстановления функции слюнных желез
  • Нанотехнологический подход к защите от облучения у пациентов с раком головы и шеи
  • Научные публикации

    Automated segmentation and deep learning classification of ductopenic parotid salivary glands in sialo cone-beam CT images
    Identification of oral bacteria as a new forensic tool for saliva detection
    Photobiomodulation relieves immediate pain in patients with burning mouth syndrome
    Impact of dental clearance on bacteremia in hematopoietic cell transplantation
    Photobiomodulation alleviates Burning Mouth Syndrome pain: Immediate and weekly outcomes explored
    Unveiling denture-induced oral lesions: A comprehensive study on classification and pain assessment
    Patient profiles and success rates under different sedation techniques in a tertiary care center
    The anatomical pattern of ductal arborization in parotid glands using cone-beam computerized sialography
    Quantitive Assessment of Gustatory Function and Its Association with Demographics, and Systemic Morbidity
    Oxidative stress-mediated proapoptosis signaling: A novel theory on the mechanism underlying the pathogenesis of burning mouth syndrome
    Migraine Prevalence, Burden, and Socio-demographic Characteristics Globally and in Israel: A Narrative Review
    Exploring the Effect of Ethnicity on Chronic Orofacial Pain: A Comparative Study of Jewish and Arab Israeli Patients
    Microbiota-dependent and -independent postnatal development of salivary immunity
    Integrated therapy of intraductal irrigations and sialoendoscopies of salivary glands to improve mouth dryness
    Salivary Endocannabinoid Profiles in Chronic Orofacial Pain and Headache Disorders: An Observational Study Using a Novel Tool for Diagnosis and Management
    Radiographic findings of space-occupying lesions in sialo-CBCT of the major salivary glands
    Topical tretinoin treatment for burning mouth syndrome: a pilot study
    Reduced Endocannabinoid Tone in Saliva of Chronic Orofacial Pain Patients
    The Impact of Expectation for Pain Relief on Orofacial Pain Treatment Outcomes
    Standardization of terminology, imaging features, and interpretation of CBCT sialography of major salivary glands: a clinical review
    Serological and hematological characteristics of Sjogren's syndrome and dry eye syndrome patients using a novel immune serology technique
    Possible proteomic biomarkers for the detection of pancreatic cancer in oral fluids
    Inhalation Sedation During the COVID-19 Outbreak: An Expert Opinion
    Minor salivary glands: Clinical, histological and immunohistochemical features of common and less common pathologies
    Improvement of dry mouth following intraductal irrigation of salivary glands
    SNP variations in IL10, TNFα and TNFAIP3 genes in patients with dry eye syndrome and Sjogren's syndrome
    Proteomic profiling of whole-saliva reveals correlation between Burning Mouth Syndrome and the neurotrophin signaling pathway
    Shared Medical and Environmental Risk Factors in Dry Eye Syndrome, Sjogren's Syndrome, and B-Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma: A Case-Control Study
    Ameloblastoma incidentally detected in cone-beam computed tomography sialography: A case report and review of the literature
    Medicaments and oral healthcare. Systematic review of the -literature assessing the effect of drugs on the salivary glands
    Novel parotid sialo-cone-beam computerized tomography features in patients with suspected Sjogren's syndrome
    Cone beam computerized tomography sialography-An emerging novel diagnostic tool for Sjogren's syndrome
    Anterior mandibular rehabilitation causing chronic obstructive sialadenitis: ?A series of sialo-CBCT cases and literature review
    Pediatric sleep-disordered breathing: Role of the dentist
    Assessment of interfering factors in non-adherence to oral appliance therapy in severe sleep apnea
    A novel strategy for diagnosing viral vs bacterial infection: implications for oral diseases
    A Guide to Medications Inducing Salivary Gland Dysfunction, Xerostomia, and Subjective Sialorrhea: A Systematic Review Sponsored by the World Workshop on Oral Medicine VI
    Oral medicine in Israel: Current status and future directions
    Overlap between dental anxiety, gagging and Blood-Injection-Injury related fears - A spectrum of one multidimensional phenomenon
    Oral superficial mucocele in cancer patients
    Superficial oral mucoceles in cancer patient after radiation therapy: An overlooked yet imperative phenomenon
    World Workshop on Oral Medicine VI: a systematic review of medication-induced salivary gland dysfunction
    Necrotizing sialometaplasia related to vomiting and silastic ring vertical gastroplasty
    World Workshop on Oral Medicine VI: a systematic review of medication-induced salivary gland dysfunction: prevalence, diagnosis, and treatment
    Myofascial pain: an open study on the pharmacotherapeutic response to stepped treatment with tricyclic antidepressants and gabapentin
    World Workshop on Oral Medicine VI: clinical implications of medication-induced salivary gland dysfunction
    The functions of human saliva: A review sponsored by the World Workshop on Oral Medicine VI
    Oral Health Related Quality of Life in Young Individuals with Dental Anxiety and Exaggerated Gag Reflex
    Lifestyle and dental attendance as predictors of oral health-related quality of life
    Oral and maxillofacial pathologies in young- and middle-aged adults
    Sleep quality in patients with dental anxiety
    Biocompatibility of tungsten disulfide inorganic nanotubes and fullerene-like nanoparticles with salivary gland cells
    Identification of Sjögren's syndrome oral fluid biomarker candidates following high-abundance protein depletion
    A 2-year mean follow-up of oral appliance therapy for severe obstructive sleep apnea: a cohort study
    Demographic profile, plaque index and DMFT scores of young individuals with dental anxiety and exaggerated gag reflex
    Demographic and clinical factors associated with referrals and compliance to biopsy of oral and maxillofacial lesions
    Toward salivary gland stem cell regeneration
    Morphometrical study of minor salivary gland in xerostomic patients with altered lipid metabolism
    Screening saliva
    Elevated serum IgE in recurrent aphthous stomatitis and associations with disease characteristics
    Preserving formerly impaired salivary gland function in radioiodine-treated thyroid papillary carcinoma
    Effect of irradiation on cell transcriptome and proteome of rat submandibular salivary glands
    Should warfarin be discontinued before a dental extraction?
    Comparison of diverse affinity based high-abundance protein depletion strategies for improved bio-marker discovery in oral fluids
    Urban legends series: Sjögren's syndrome
    Long-term cryopreservation model of rat salivary gland stem cells for future therapy in irradiated head and neck cancer patients
    Sialochemistry and cortisol levels in patients with Sjogren's syndrome
    High-efficiency immunomagnetic isolation of solid tissue-originated integrin-expressing adult stem cells
    Elevated salivary potassium in paediatric CKD patients, a novel excretion pathway
    Establishment of immortal multipotent rat salivary progenitor cell line toward salivary gland regeneration
    Comparison of oral mucosal pH values in bulimia nervosa, GERD, BMS patients and healthy population
    Improved visualization of low abundance oral fluid proteins after triple depletion of alpha amylase, albumin and IgG
    Comparative proteomic analysis of human oral fluids according to gender and age
    A comparison of the sialochemistry, oral pH, and oral health status of Down syndrome children to healthy children
    Evaluation of a mucoadhesive lipid-based bioerodable tablet compared with Biotène mouthwash for dry mouth relief--a pilot study
    Necrotizing sialometaplasia-a practical approach to the diagnosis
    The influence of handheld mobile phones on human parotid gland secretion
    Cortisol daily rhythm in saliva of healthy school children
    The correlation between dental calculus and disturbed mineral metabolism in paediatric patients with chronic kidney disease
    Different proteomic protein patterns in saliva of Sjögren's syndrome patients
    An approach to remove alpha amylase for proteomic analysis of low abundance biomarkers in human saliva
    Current status of the development of an artificial salivary gland
    Isolation and cultivation of integrin alpha(6)beta(1)-expressing salivary gland graft cells: a model for use with an artificial salivary gland
    Management of dental patients taking common hemostasis-altering medications
    Reengineering salivary gland cells to enhance protein secretion for use in developing artificial salivary gland device
    Prevention of oral and salivary gland impairment in irradiated adolescent patients with head and neck cancer: a suggested protocol
    Oral adverse effects for escitalopram (Cipralex)
    Pilocarpine treatment in a mixed cohort of xerostomic patients
    The distribution of oral mucosal pH values in healthy saliva secretors
    Pilocarpine for the treatment of salivary glands' impairment caused by radioiodine therapy for thyroid cancer
    Calculus in a toddler with end-stage renal disease due to prune-belly syndrome
    Anorexia/bulimia-related sialadenosis of palatal minor salivary glands
    Prediction of premolar tooth lengths based on their panoramic radiographic lengths
    Oral manifestations of bulimia nervosa
    Future therapy strategies for salivary gland impairment
    Characterization of murine autologous salivary gland graft cells: a model for use with an artificial salivary gland
    Histopathologic changes in dental and oral soft tissues in 2-butoxyethanol-induced hemolysis and thrombosis in rats*
    Olfactomotor activity during imagery mimics that during perception
    Absence of tight junction formation in an allogeneic graft cell line used for developing an engineered artificial salivary gland
    Tissue compatibility of two biodegradable tubular scaffolds implanted adjacent to skin or buccal mucosa in mice
    An unusual cause of obstructive sialadenitis
    Using HSV-thymidine kinase for safety in an allogeneic salivary graft cell line
    Salivary glands as a model for craniofacial applications of gene transfer
    The growth and morphological behavior of salivary epithelial cells on matrix protein-coated biodegradable substrata
    Ramsay Hunt syndrome--differential diagnosis, pathogenesis and therapy
    Oral manifestations of primary immunological diseases
    Retinoid regulation of interleukin-2 receptors on human T-cells
    Gastro-intestinal disorders
    Down-regulation of human tumor necrosis factor-beta gene expression by cells with suppressive activity
    Side effects of omeprazole
    Necrotizing Sialometaplasia after Silastic Ring Vertical Gastroplasty: Case Report and Review of Literature
    Role of autoimmunity in contralateral delayed endolymphatic hydrops
    Orbital impalement by a gearshift knob: case report
    Destabilization of junctional ACh receptors by a reinnervating frog motor nerve
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