Адар Зингер

Должность: Гастроэнтеролог
Языки: Английский
Принимает: только взрослых

Доктор Адар Зингер - руководитель центра лечения воспалительных заболеваний кишечника.

Научные публикации

Exploring the impact of commonly used ionizable and pegylated lipids on mRNA-LNPs: A combined in vitro and preclinical perspective
Long-term Effectiveness and Safety of Risankizumab in Patients with Crohn's Disease
Inhibition of nucleo-cytoplasmic proteasome translocation by the aromatic amino acids or silencing Sestrin3-their sensing mediator-is tumor suppressive
Sex-dependent improvement in traumatic brain injury outcomes after liposomal delivery of dexamethasone in mice
Low ALT Is Associated with IBD and Disease Activity: Results from a Nationwide Study
Harnessing RNA Technology to Advance Therapeutic Vaccine Antigens against Chagas Disease
Risankizumab Effectiveness and Safety in Crohn's Disease: Real-world Data From a Large Tertiary Center
Sex-dependent improvement in traumatic brain injury outcomes after liposomal delivery of dexamethasone in mice
Unleashing the potential of cell biomimetic nanoparticles: Strategies and challenges in their design and fabrication for therapeutic applications
Heat and let dye: Part II - Rapid heat-fixing of blood traces
Ustekinumab during pregnancy in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: a prospective multicentre cohort study
Artificially Intelligent Nanoarray Detects Various Cancers by Liquid Biopsy of Volatile Markers
COVID-19 in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: The Israeli Experience
Nanoparticles Accumulate in the Female Reproductive System during Ovulation Affecting Cancer Treatment and Fertility
Reproducible and Characterized Method for Ponatinib Encapsulation into Biomimetic Lipid Nanoparticles as a Platform for Multi-Tyrosine Kinase-Targeted Therapy
LDL-Based Lipid Nanoparticle Derived for Blood Plasma Accumulates Preferentially in Atherosclerotic Plaque
Biomimetic Nanoparticles as a Theranostic Tool for Traumatic Brain Injury
Humanized Biomimetic Nanovesicles for Neuron Targeting
Enhancing Inflammation Targeting Using Tunable Leukocyte-Based Biomimetic Nanoparticles
Identification and Mapping of Tomato Genome Loci Controlling Tolerance and Resistance to Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus
Biomimetic nano drug delivery carriers for treating cardiovascular diseases
Skin protective and regenerative effects of RM191A, a novel superoxide dismutase mimetic
Bioinspired Extracellular Vesicles: Lessons Learned From Nature for Biomedicine and Bioengineering
Selective modulation of trans-endothelial migration of lymphocyte subsets in multiple sclerosis patients under fingolimod treatment
The gut microbiome switches mutant p53 from tumour-suppressive to oncogenic
IgG3 + B cells are associated with the development of multiple sclerosis
Loss of p53 drives neuron reprogramming in head and neck cancer
Leukocyte-mimicking nanovesicles for effective doxorubicin delivery to treat breast cancer and melanoma
Intravital imaging of vascular anomalies and extracellular matrix remodeling in orthotopic pancreatic tumors
Rapamycin-Loaded Biomimetic Nanoparticles Reverse Vascular Inflammation
Collagenase Nanoparticles Enhance the Penetration of Drugs into Pancreatic Tumors
Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) variant and NLRP12 mutation confer susceptibility to a complex clinical presentation
Macrophage-derived nanovesicles exert intrinsic anti-inflammatory properties and prolong survival in sepsis through a direct interaction with macrophages
Tailoring the lipid composition of nanoparticles modulates their cellular uptake and affects the viability of triple negative breast cancer cells
Epigastric Pain and Hyponatremia Due to Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion and Delirium: The Forgotten Diagnosis
Gastric ulcers in an untreated HIV patient
Sodium bicarbonate nanoparticles modulate the tumor pH and enhance the cellular uptake of doxorubicin
Interfacial Electron Beam Lithography: Chemical Monolayer Nanopatterning via Electron-Beam-Induced Interfacial Solid-Phase Oxidation
Small Molecules Co-targeting CKIα and the Transcriptional Kinases CDK7/9 Control AML in Preclinical Models
Therapeutic nanoparticles penetrate leaves and deliver nutrients to agricultural crops
Differential plasma microvesicle and brain profiles of microRNA in experimental cerebral malaria
Proteolytic Nanoparticles Replace a Surgical Blade by Controllably Remodeling the Oral Connective Tissue
Synthetic Cells Synthesize Therapeutic Proteins inside Tumors
Cancer and Aging - the Inflammatory Connection
Nanoparticles target early-stage breast cancer metastasis in vivo
Theranostic barcoded nanoparticles for personalized cancer medicine
Melanoma miRNA trafficking controls tumour primary niche formation
GLP-1-RA Corrects Mitochondrial Labile Iron Accumulation and Improves β-Cell Function in Type 2 Wolfram Syndrome
Widespread parainflammation in human cancer
Involvement of the kynurenine pathway in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease
Plasma levels of endothelial and B-cell-derived microparticles are restored by fingolimod treatment in multiple sclerosis patients
Inflammatory networks underlying colorectal cancer
Involvement of the kynurenine pathway in human glioma pathophysiology
The robustness of zero-determinant strategies in Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma games
The older patient with diabetes: a practical approach
Islet transplantation in type 1 diabetes: hype, hope and reality - a clinician's perspective
The involvement of neuroinflammation and kynurenine pathway in Parkinson's disease
Changing parents' opinions regarding antibiotic use in primary care
Zinc released from injured cells is acting via the Zn2+-sensing receptor, ZnR, to trigger signaling leading to epithelial repair
Parental Staphylococcus aureus carriage is associated with staphylococcal carriage in young children
Skoura - a genetic island for congenital insensitivity to pain and anhidrosis among Moroccan Jews, as determined by a novel mutation in the NTRK1 gene
Dissociation constants of protonated methionine species in NaCl media
MEHMO (Mental retardation, Epileptic seizures, Hypogenitalism, Microcephaly, Obesity): a new X-linked mitochondrial disorder
Intrauterine and postnatal atrial fibrillation in the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
CNS activities of lactam derivatives
Microflora of underground waters of Nizhniĭ Povolzh'e region and its possible use in oil prospecting
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