Меир Шалит

Должность: Аллерголог
Принимает: только взрослых

Проф. Меир Шалит - аллерголог.

Выпускник медицинского факультета Еврейского университета. Проходил ординатуру при отделении терапии клиники "Хадасса". Специализацию в области аллергологии и клинической иммунологии  - при университетской клинике в Пенсильвании, Филадельфия, США.

Особым исследовательским интересом является: изучение клеток, участвующих в аллергенных реакциях а так же  аллергенные реакции на лекарственные препараты и латекс.

Научные публикации

The diagnosis and initial management of melanoma in Australia: findings from the prospective, population-based QSkin study
The association between anaphylaxis and post-traumatic stress disorder in subjects with Hymenoptera venom allergy
Hypersensitivity reactions to rituximab: 53 successful desensitizations in 7 patients with severe, near-fatal reactions
Ribavirin Desensitization in Chronic Hepatitis C
Successful omalizumab treatment of severe solar urticaria in a 6-year-old child
Familial Q fever clustering with variable manifestations imitating infectious and autoimmune disease
A lightning multiple casualty incident in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks
Omalizumab therapy for chronic spontaneous urticaria: the Israeli experience
Evaluation of a prospectively administered written questionnaire to reduce the incidence of suspected latex anaphylaxis during elective cesarean delivery
Rapid oral allopurinol desensitization in a patient with chronic myeloid leukemia
Azathioprine as a therapeutic alternative for refractory chronic urticaria
Azathioprine-induced fever in autoimmune hepatitis
Dapsone induced eosinophilic pneumonia
Intraosseous access for neonatal and newborn resuscitation in the National Park Service (NPS)
Allergic reaction to prasugrel and cross-reactivity with clopidogrel
Remove latex from the labor and delivery suite
Oral laquinimod in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: 36-week double-blind active extension of the multi-centre, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group placebo-controlled study
Intranasal naloxone is a viable alternative to intravenous naloxone for prehospital narcotic overdose
Effect of laquinimod on MRI-monitored disease activity in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase IIb study
Biphasic defibrillation does not improve outcomes compared to monophasic defibrillation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
A novel approach to enhance visualization during drainage of peritonsillar abscess
An experimental study of warming intravenous fluid in a cold environment
Late-onset sarcoidosis after liver transplantation for primary biliary cirrhosis
Saliva secretion in patients with allergic rhinitis
Giant blue urticaria following injection of patent blue dye for sentinel lymph node biopsy
An unusual case of subterfuge in the emergency department: covert administration of antipsychotic and anxiolytic medications to control an agitated patient
Medical care of prisoners in the USA
Patient transport via private vehicle in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks
Flower proteome: changes in protein spectrum during the advanced stages of rose petal development
Cetirizine: An effective agent in Kimura's disease
Heparin-induced recurrent anaphylaxis
Liver abscess in inflammatory bowel disease: report of two cases and review of the literature
Use of the Gamow Bag by EMT-basic park rangers for treatment of high-altitude pulmonary edema and high-altitude cerebral edema
Suction for venomous snakebite: a study of "mock venom" extraction in a human model
Emergency medical services. Residents' perspective
Knowledge and expectations of patients receiving aeroallergen immunotherapy
Citrus fruit flavor and aroma biosynthesis: isolation, functional characterization, and developmental regulation of Cstps1, a key gene in the production of the sesquiterpene aroma compound valencene
Evaluation of adverse reactions to local anesthetics: experience with 236 patients
Metastatic carcinoma presenting with concomitant eosinophilia and thromboembolism
Volatile ester formation in roses. Identification of an acetyl-coenzyme A. Geraniol/Citronellol acetyltransferase in developing rose petals
Allergy development after bone marrow transplantation from a non-atopic donor
Rose scent: genomics approach to discovering novel floral fragrance-related genes
The esophageal detector bulb in the aeromedical setting
O-methyltransferases involved in the biosynthesis of volatile phenolic derivatives in rose petals
Anti-IgE--a new treatment for allergic diseases
The hypereosinophilic syndrome associated with CD4+CD3- helper type 2 (Th2) lymphocytes
Hereditary angioedema first apparent in the ninth decade during treatment with ACE inhibitor
Safety of perioperative minidose heparin in patients undergoing brain tumor surgery: a prospective, randomized, double-blind study
Leukotriene antagonists: additional treatment for chronic urticaria?
Acetyl-coa: alcohol acetyltransferase activity and aroma formation in ripening melon fruits
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