Меир Либергаль

Отделение: Ортопедия
Должность: Ортопед
Принимает: только взрослых

Профессор Меир (Ири) Либергаль – Заведующий ортопедическими отделениями в университетской клинике “Хадасса” (больничные корпусы на горе Скопус и в Эйн-Кереме)
Семейный статус: женат (жена-Михаль) отец 4-х детей (Офер, Таль, Гильад, Итамар)
Служба в армии:
* 72-73 Парашютист-десантник в парашютно-десантных войсках, Армия Обороны Израиля.
* 96-2002 Заведующий приемный отделением, заведующий хирургическим отделением полевого госпиталя, Армия Обороны Израиля; воинское звание: майор
* 75-83 Медицинский факультет Еврейского университета, Иерусалим
* 82-83 Стаж в университетской клинике “Хадасса”, Иерусалим
* Июнь 83-получение  степени MD (приз факультета за докторскую диссертацию)
* 83-89 Специализация в ортопедической хирургии, отделение ортопедии, университетская клиника “Хадасса”, Иерусалим
* 89 – получение звание специалиста в области ортопедической хирургии
Повышение квалификации:
91-92 Повышение квалификации в области травмотологии и эндопротезирования  в университетском медицинском центре Case Western Reserv Кливленд, штат Огайо, США.
Исследование в области применения аутологичных мезенхимальных стволовых клеток,  Skeletal Research Center, CaseUniversity
Профессиональные курсы:
Изучение метода Илизарова, ортопедическое отделение медицинский центр “Lecco”, Italy
Курс и международный семинар. Тематика: перелом тазобедренного сустава и вертлужной впадины. Париж, Франция
2000 Курс стратегий и лидерства для руководителей в области здравоохранения – достижение целей, Школа общественного здравоохранения Гарвардского университета Бостон, США
Клинический опыт :
Общая ортопедия:
Травматология и  ортопедия (переломы, опасные или сложные переломы, такие как перелом тазобедренного сустава, внутрисуставные переломы и др)
* Операции с использованием малотравматичных технологий
* Малоинвазивные лапароскопические операции, использование новых  компьютерных технологий
* Использование клеточной терапии
* Использовние компьютерных технологий в эндопротезировании суставов.
* Oперации по эндопротезированию с помощью компьютерной навигации.
* Aртриты, лечение болезней суставов
* Тканевая инженерия  в лечении  переломов
* Доказательная медицина
Членство в организациях:
* 82- Израильский профсоюз врачей
* 89- Израильская ортопедическая ассоциация
* 92- Американская ассоциация ортопедии и травмотологии
* 94- Американская ассоциация исследований в области ортопедии
* 99- Ассоциация выпускников АО INTERNATIONAL
* 2001- Американская ассоциация ортопедической хирургии
* 2005- Международная ассоциация хирургических операций с использованием компьютерной навигации
* 2001 г. – генеральный директор Консультативного комитета по научным исследованиям, Больница “Хадасса”, Иерусалим
* 2001- Консультативный научный комитет Hadasit (Компания медицинских исследований и развития услуг), Больница “Хадасса”, Иерусалим
* 2005- Представитель совета ассоциации малоинвазивных операций медицинский центр Hospital for Special Surgery, Нью-Йорк, США
* 2005-Член национальной организации хирургии,анастезии, и реанимации ,министерства здравоохранения Израиля

Научные публикации

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Exploring the Efficacy of the Paula Method of Muscle Exercises in Managing Low Anterior Resection Syndrome Using an Integrative Approach: A Preliminary Study
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Evidence for the adverse effect of starvation on bone quality: a review of the literature
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Improving compliance to osteoporosis workup and treatment in postmenopausal patients after a distal radius fracture
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Pediatric supracondylar humerus fractures: effect of bone-implant interface conditions on fracture stability
Robot-assisted vertebral body augmentation: a radiation reduction tool
Intraoperative syndesmotic reduction: three-dimensional versus standard fluoroscopic imaging
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Stem cell-based therapy for prevention of delayed fracture union: a randomized and prospective preliminary study
Computerized navigation for length and rotation control in femoral fractures: a preliminary clinical study
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Reinforcing the role of the conventional C-arm--a novel method for simplified distal interlocking
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A new external upper airway opening device combined with a cervical collar
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The induction of APC with a distinct tolerogenic phenotype via contact-dependent STAT3 activation
Polyethylene liner cementation technique in asymptomatic versus symptomatic osteolysis
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Management of pelvic fractures during pregnancy
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Long bone fracture reduction using a fluoroscopy-based navigation system: a feasibility and accuracy study
A prospective, randomised study comparing the percutaneous compression plate and the compression hip screw for the treatment of intertrochanteric fractures of the hip
The use of intraoperative three-dimensional imaging (ISO-C-3D) in fixation of intraarticular fractures
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Contact-dependent induction of regulatory antigen-presenting cells by human mesenchymal stem cells is mediated via STAT3 signaling
Vascular complications of supracondylar humeral fractures in children
Treatment of pathological humeral shaft fractures with unreamed humeral nail
Osteoid osteoma: CT-guided radiofrequency ablation using a water-cooled probe
Shrapnel management
Blast and penetrating fragment injuries to the extremities
A short plate compression screw with diagonal bolts--a biomechanical evaluation performed experimentally and by numerical computation
Computerized navigation for the internal fixation of femoral neck fractures
Talc sclerodhesis of persistent Morel-Lavallée lesions (posttraumatic pseudocysts): case report of 4 patients
Primary subtalar arthrodesis for severe talar neck fractures: a report of three cases
Nucleofection-based ex vivo nonviral gene delivery to human stem cells as a platform for tissue regeneration
Sciatic nerve palsy due to hematoma after thrombolysis therapy for acute pulmonary embolism after total hip arthroplasty
Osteogenic differentiation of noncultured immunoisolated bone marrow-derived CD105+ cells
Navigation-assisted minimally invasive two-incision total hip arthoplasty
The influence of surgically-induced weight loss on the knee joint
Pelvic fractures in a level I trauma center: a test case for the efficacy of the evolving trauma system in Israel
Percutaneous compression plating versus compression hip screw fixation for the treatment of intertrochanteric hip fractures
Murine spinal fusion induced by engineered mesenchymal stem cells that conditionally express bone morphogenetic protein-2
Percutaneous compression plating for intertrochanteric fractures. Surgical technique, tips for surgery, and results
Computerised navigation for closed reduction during femoral intramedullary nailing
Osteoporotic tibial plateau fractures: an underestimated cause of knee pain in the elderly
Early diagnosis of occult hip fractures MRI versus CT scan
Lateral malleolar reconstruction after distal fibular resection. A case report
The use of computerized navigation in the treatment of gunshot and shrapnel injury
Chronic lateral compression of the pelvis
A broken bone without a fracture: traumatic foreign bone implantation resulting from a mass casualty bombing
Delayed reaction to shrapnel retained in soft tissue
Human mesenchymal stem cells alter antigen-presenting cell maturation and induce T-cell unresponsiveness
Using computerized fluoroscopic navigation to remove pelvic screws
The effect of prophylactic treatment with risedronate on stress fracture incidence among infantry recruits
First generation computerized fluoroscopic navigation in percutaneous pelvic surgery
Quantification of guided regeneration of weight-bearing bones
Revision total knee arthroplasty
Brucella prosthetic joint infection: a report of 3 cases and a review of the literature
Preoperative cardiac events in elderly patients with hip fracture randomized to epidural or conventional analgesia
Myositis ossificans circumscripta of the sacrotuberous ligament: a case report and review of the literature
Percutaneous plating of distal tibial fractures
Symmetric bilateral transverse fracture of the iliac wings: chance fracture of the pelvis
Maneuvering the retrograde medullary screw in pubic ramus fractures
The floating hip injury: patterns of injury
Avascular necrosis and related complications following healed osteoporotic intertrochanteric fractures
Proximal tibial fractures--should we nail them?
Optical processing of radiographic trabecular pattern versus bone mineral density of proximal femur as measures of bone strength
Thromboembolism in orthopedic trauma
Retrograde nailing of femoral fractures distal to previous osteosynthesis
Gerdy's tubercle osteotomy for the treatment of coronal fractures of the lateral femoral condyle
Effect of microwave oven induced mild hyperthermia on bone viability and strength
Acetabular fractures. Clinical outcome of surgical treatment
The "rubber band technique": a simple method for closing large skin defects
Surgical treatment of intercondylar fractures of the humerus in adults
Amputated lower limbs as a bank of organs for other organ salvage
Combined injuries to the lower limbs
The "crushed open pelvis" in children
The unreamed tibial nail in the treatment of distal metaphyseal fractures
Serum-mediated osteogenic effects of head injury on cultured rat marrow stromal cells
Preadmission screening of patients scheduled for hip and knee replacement: impact on length of stay
Femoral fracture at the proximal end of an intramedullary supracondylar nail: a case report
Midshaft femoral fracture, concomitant ipsilateral hip joint injury, and disruption of the knee extensor mechanism: a unique triad of dashboard injury
Ender nailing of acute humeral shaft fractures in multiple injuries
Effect of moderate bone hyperthermia on cell viability and mechanical function
A comparison of the effect of shoes on human tibial axial strains recorded during dynamic loading
Alveolar macrophages fat stain in early diagnosis of fat embolism syndrome
Surgical repair of fractures of the clavicle in the adult
Immediate orthopedic surgery in multiple trauma
"Krammer splint technique" for immediate measuring of intramedullary nails
Treatment of open fractures due to dog bite
Cyclosporin A and its non-immunosuppressive derivative exhibit a differential effect on cell-mediated mineralization in culture
Nonunion of a fracture of the lateral malleolus: a case report and review of the literature
Bone grafts in orthopedic surgery
The effect of shoe gear on human tibial strains recorded during dynamic loading: a pilot study
Analysis of cell-mediated mineralization in culture of bone-derived embryonic cells with neurofibromatosis
A double-blinded, randomized, controlled clinical trial to compare cefazolin and cefonicid for antimicrobial prophylaxis in clean orthopedic surgery
Tibial implant mineralization in rats is inversely related to serum osteogenic capacity
Acute postpartum inflammatory sacroiliitis. A report of four cases
The role of intramedullary nailing in modern treatment of open fractures of the tibia and femur
Treatment of open fracture of the tibia and femur, including intramedullary nailing
Streptococcus bovis osteomyelitis of the ilium
Osteomyelitis of the pelvis
Technical complications of the tibiofibular syndesmotic screw
Avascular necrosis of the femoral head following intertrochanteric fracture
The floating hip. Ipsilateral pelvic and femoral fractures
Pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis with paralysis. Prognosis and treatment
Osteoid osteoma of the scapula. A case report and review of the literature
Surgical treatment of fractures of the capitellum in adults: a modified technique
CT of adult lumbar disc herniations mimicking posterior apophyseal ring fractures
Complications of suppurative arthritis and osteomyelitis in children
Functional, biochemical, and structural anomalies in platelets of patients with idiopathic scoliosis
Cauda equina syndrome in lumbar disc herniation
Serratia osteomyelitis causing neurological deterioration after spine fracture. A report of two cases
Dural penetration by interspinous process segmental spine instrumentation: case report
Altered structural and functional properties of myosins, from platelets of idiopathic scoliosis patients
Simultaneous bilateral fractures of the femoral necks and the proximal humeral heads during convulsion
Bone scintigraphic findings in recruits after short periods of nonweight-bearing ambulation. A report of two cases
NSAID induced avascular necrosis and arthropathy of femoral head
Axillary vein thrombosis: a rare complication following creation of arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis
Fever following orthopedic operations in children
Streptococcal osteomyelitis associated with varicella virus infection: a case report and review of the literature
Platelet abnormalities in muscular dystrophy
Abnormalities of aggregation, thromboxane A2 synthesis, and 14C serotonin release in platelets of patients with idiopathic scoliosis
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