Дорит Ницан

Должность: Челюстно-лицевой хирург
Языки: Английский
Принимает: детей и взрослых

Профессор Дорит Ницан

Профессиональная деятельность

Области интересов

  • Диагностика и лечение боли и функциональных нарушений височно-нижнечелюстного сустава (ВНЧС)
  • Разработка минимально инвазивного метода лечения (артроцентез ВНЧС), который показал высокую эффективность в случаях ограничения подвижности и боли, локализованной в ВНЧС
  • Лечение асимметрии лица

Научные публикации

Adsorption and release pattern of recombinant human bone morphogenic proatin 2 onto different bone grafts and its consequent osteoblasts` activation and neutrophils` priming
The Approach to Periimplantitis
The Effect of Implant-Associated Factors on the Long-Term Outcomes of Dental Implants
Investigating the Factors Influencing the Long-Term Outcomes of Dental Implants
Long-Term Survival of Dental Implants in Irradiated Patients
Effect of Orthognathic Surgery on Pre-existing Temporomandibular Disorders
Chondrocytes supplemented to bone graft-containing scaffolds expedite cranial defect repair
Increased Prevalence of Generalized Joint Hypermobility Observed in Patients With Recurrent Temporomandibular Joint Dislocation
Repairing a critical cranial defect using WISP1-pretreated chondrocyte scaffolds
"Proportional Condylectomy" for Vertical Condylar Hyperplasia Without Intermaxillary Elastics: Clinical Results and Patient Satisfaction
Are There Cephalometric Measurements Associated With Recurrent Temporomandibular Joint Dislocation?
Short Dental Implants (5 to 7 mm) with Expandable Apex in the Posterior Maxilla-Preliminary Results
Zygomatic Implants: Placement Considerations in Implant-Supported Maxillary Prosthesis
Explant Modeling of the Immune Environment of Head and Neck Cancer
A platform for locoregional T-cell immunotherapy to control HNSCC recurrence following tumor resection
The influence of mandibular condyle morphology on TMJ anterior dislocations
The efficacy of a protective protocol for oral and maxillofacial surgery procedures in a COVID-19 pandemic area-results from 1471 patients
The influence of articular eminence morphology on temporomandibular joint anterior dislocations
The impact of alloplast and allograft on bone homeostasis: Orthodontic tooth movement into regenerated bone
Nonfixated inlay graft for anterior localized mandibular defect
Vertical Alveolar Augmentation Using BMP-2/ACS/Allograft with Printed Titanium Shells to Establish an Early Vascular Scaffold
Computerized Navigation for Minimal Invasive Retrieval of Displaced Dental Implants in the Lower Jaw
Indirect Bactericidal Properties of Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 In Vitro
Successful Mandibular Mucormycosis Treatment in the Severely Neutropenic Patient
Minimally invasive approach for Le Fort I osteotomy
Release of Irretrievable Abutment Healing Caps Using Cooling: Proof of Concept and Clinical Recommendations
Four-years' experience with dynamic implants with internal port for minimally invasive sinus elevation
Obstructive Sleep Apnea: review and a case presentation
Isolation and characterization of mesenchymal stromal progenitors from the temporomandibular joint disc
Imperforate titanium shell enclosing recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2-induced bone formation for high-profile dental implants in rabbit tibia
Rapid-prototype titanium bone forms for vertical alveolar augmentation using bone morphogenetic protein-2: design and treatment planning objectives
Topical application of slow-release simvastatin as a bone substitute in bone defects in the rat tibia: a pilot study
Island osteoperiosteal flap vitality when isolated from basal bone by silicone interposition: an experimental study in rabbit tibia
Fabrication of printed titanium shells for containment of BMP-2 composite graft materials for alveolar bone reconstruction
Alveolar sandwich osteotomy in resorbed alveolar ridge for dental implants: a 4-year prospective study
Experience with bone morphogenetic protein-2 and interpositional grafting of edentulous maxillae: a comparison of Le Fort I downfracture to full-arch (horseshoe) segmental osteotomy done in conjunction with sinus floor grafting
A novel dental implant system with an internal port for endoscopic closed sinus augmentation: a feasibility study in pigs
Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 confined by an imperforate titanium shell over high-profile dental implants in rabbit tibiae: a pilot bone augmentation study
Pro-oxidative synergic bactericidal effect of NO: kinetics and inhibition by nitroxides
Sandwich osteotomy--a biologic method for vertical augmentation of edentulous alveolar ridges
Painful trigeminal neuropathy induced by oral bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw: a new etiology for the numb-chin syndrome
Oral syphilis lesions--a diagnostic approach and histologic characteristics of secondary stage
Orthognathic and osteoperiosteal flap augmentation strategies for maxillary dental implant reconstruction
Orthognathic surgery in primary myopathies: severe case of congenital fiber type disproportion with long-term follow-up and review of the literature
Evaluation of a navigation system for dental implantation as a tool to train novice dental practitioners
Island osteoperiosteal flaps with interpositional bone grafting in rabbit tibia: preliminary study for development of new bone augmentation technique
Orthognathic and osteoperiosteal flap augmentation strategies for maxillary dental implant reconstruction
Computerized navigation for immediate loading of dental implants with a prefabricated metal frame: a feasibility study
Enigma of missing teeth in maxillofacial trauma
Orthosurgical treatment including anchorage from a palatal implant to correct an infraoccluded maxillary first molar in a young adult
Endoscopic approach to dental implantology
Comparison of common hard tissue cephalometric measurements between computed tomography 3D reconstruction and conventional 2D cephalometric images
Island osteoperiosteal flap for alveolar bone reconstruction
Conventional wisdom and the surgical exposure of impacted teeth
Immediate implants placed into infected sockets
Computerized navigation for surgery of the lower jaw: comparison of 2 navigation systems
The effect of informed consent on stress levels associated with extraction of impacted mandibular third molars
Type 2 diabetes has minimal effect on osseointegration of titanium implants in Psammomys obesus
VEGF facilitates periosteal distraction-induced osteogenesis in rabbits: a micro-computerized tomography study
The effect of a nitroxide antioxidant on ischemia-reperfusion injury in the rat in vivo hind limb model
The clinical characteristics of condylar hyperplasia: experience with 61 patients
The cannabinoid CB1 receptor regulates bone formation by modulating adrenergic signaling
Computerized navigation surgery for the safe placement of palatal implants
Immediate placement of dental implants into debrided infected dentoalveolar sockets
Removal of a large odontoma by sagittal split osteotomy
Orthodontic anchorage in the era of osseointegration
Flapless approach for removal of bone graft fixing screws and placement of dental implants using computerized navigation: a technique and case report
Application of a surgical navigation system for implant surgery in a deficient alveolar ridge postexcision of an odontogenic myxoma
Intraoperative computerized navigation for flapless implant surgery and immediate loading in the edentulous mandible
Image-guided navigation system for placing dental implants
Navigation surgery for dental implants: assessment of accuracy of the image guided implantology system
Retrospective clinical review of dental implants placed in a university training program
Oropharyngeal impalement injuries in children: report of 2 cases
Induced osteogenesis by periosteal distraction
Reconstruction of a combined lip-mandible defect by a single fibula flap
The implications of a broken needle in the pterygomandibular space: clinical guidelines for prevention and retrieval
A dentigerous cyst of the maxilla presenting as a periodontal lesion: a case report
Sialolithectomy done with a CO2 laser: clinical and scintigraphic results
Structural and functional characterization of osteogenic growth peptide from human serum: identity with rat and mouse homologs
Gerodermia osteodysplastica: report on two patients and surgical correction of facial deformity
Myxoid liposarcoma of the buccal vestibule. A case report
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