Даниэль Шуваль

Должность: Профессор старший врач отделения гепатологии
Принимает: только взрослых

Старший врач отделения гепатологии. Выпускник Еврейского университета в Иерусалиме.

Проходил стажировку в больницах Англии и США, включая центр по изучению печени при больнице имени Альберта Энштейна в Нью-Йорке и медицинский центр Massachusetts General в Бостоне.

Профессор Шуваль  диагносцирует и проводит лечение заболеваний печени, включая вирусные и аутоимунные заболевания печени, болезни кровеносных сосудов печени, болезни печени при беременности, повреждение печени от лекарственных препаратов, злокачественные новообразования печени.

В рамках научной работы професор разрабатывает вакцины и лекарственные препараты для лечения инфекционных воспалений печени и первичного рака печени. Профессор так же является приглашенным профессором в университете Гарвард, США, Альберт Энштейн в США и в Парижском университете.

Является консультантом всемирной организации здравоохранения и министерства здравоохранения Израиля

Автор более 200 научных публикаций.

Научные публикации

Upadacitinib for Induction of Remission in Pediatric Ulcerative Colitis: An International Multi‑center Study
Serological Markers as Predictors of Anti-TNF Response in Children with Crohn's Disease
Response to FDA draft guidance on pediatric IBD drug approval trials: A consensus statement from the IBD Porto Group
The Nancy Histopathological Index has limited value in predicting clinical outcomes in newly diagnosed pediatric patients with ulcerative colitis
Paradoxical Psoriasiform Skin Eruption in Pediatric Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Treated with TNFα Inhibitors
Acquired tracheoesophageal fistula following rubber toy ingestion
A spatial expression atlas of the adult human proximal small intestine
Infantile and Very Early Onset Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Multicenter Study
Clinical characteristics and outcomes of pediatric patients with autoimmune gastritis
Different infliximab induction dosing regimens do not affect remission rates up to 1 year in children with Crohn's disease
Sexual health in adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease - The paediatric gastroenterologists' point of view
Tofacitinib in Pediatric Ulcerative Colitis: A Retrospective Multicenter Experience
Familial Mediterranean fever in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases: A nationwide study from the epi-IIRN
STEP-CD study: ustekinumab use in paediatric Crohn's disease-a multicentre retrospective study from paediatric IBD Porto group of ESPGHAN
Longterm Outcome of Therapeutic Vaccination with a Third Generation Pre-S/S HBV Vaccine (PreHevbrioR) of Chronically HBV Infected Patients
A significant increase in anthropometric indices during long-term follow-up of pediatric patients with celiac disease, with no endocrine disorders
Mucosal Genes Encoding Clock, Inflammation and Their Mutual Regulators Are Disrupted in Pediatric Patients with Active Ulcerative Colitis
New-onset Blepharitis and Anti-TNF-Alpha Therapy in Patients with Crohn's Disease: A Case Series and Literature Review
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet Is Associated with Decreased Fecal Calprotectin Levels in Children with Crohn's Disease in Clinical Remission under Biological Therapy
Adjusted estimate of the prevalence of hepatitis delta virus in 25 countries and territories
Autoimmune amelogenesis imperfecta in patients with APS-1 and coeliac disease
Precision medicine in monogenic inflammatory bowel disease: proposed mIBD REPORT standards
Hepatitis A virus infection
Global prevalence, cascade of care, and prophylaxis coverage of hepatitis B in 2022: a modelling study
Thiopurines Maintenance Therapy in Children With Ulcerative Colitis: A Multicenter Retrospective Study
Clinical Features and Natural History of Paediatric Patients with Ulcerative Proctitis: A Multicentre Study from the Paediatric IBD Porto Group of ESPGHAN
A sound mind in a sound body: Stress-induced glucocorticoids exacerbate gut inflammation
A tribute to Professor Peter Ferenci (1948-2023)
Comparison of Clinical Outcomes in Pediatric Patients with Ileocolonic Crohn Disease Treated with Infliximab Versus Adalimumab
Validation of predictive models for disease outcomes in paediatric ulcerative colitis: A multicentre prospective inception cohort
Single-cell atlas of the human neonatal small intestine affected by necrotizing enterocolitis
Hepatitis D double reflex testing of all hepatitis B carriers in low-HBV- and high-HBV/HDV-prevalence countries
Infantile-onset inflammatory bowel disease has variable long-term outcomes
Immune dysregulation in Glycogen Storage Disease 1b - a CyTOF approach
Correlation Between the Nancy Histopathology Index and Markers of Disease Activity in Pediatric Ulcerative Colitis
Recurrence rates following ileo-colic resection in pediatric patients with Crohn's disease
A somatic hypermutation-based machine learning model stratifies individuals with Crohn's disease and controls
Human CARMIL2 deficiency underlies a broader immunological and clinical phenotype than CD28 deficiency
RIPK1 mutations causing infantile-onset IBD with inflammatory and fistulizing features
Incidence, Management, and Outcomes of Very Early Onset Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and Infantile-Onset Disease: An Epi-IIRN Study
Impact of COVID-19 on the liver and on the care of patients with chronic liver disease, hepatobiliary cancer, and liver transplantation: An updated EASL position paper
Practice Variations in the Management of Infants With Non-IgE-Mediated Cow's Milk Protein Allergy
Glycogen Storage Disease type IA refractory to cornstarch: Can next generation sequencing offer a solution?
Mucosal healing with methotrexate versus azathioprine treatment in pediatric Crohn's disease as reflected by fecal calprotectin
Mucus sialylation determines intestinal host-commensal homeostasis
Host transcriptome signatures in human faecal-washes predict histological remission in patients with IBD
Neonatal inflammatory skin and bowel disease type 1 caused by a complex genetic defect and responsive to combined anti-tumour necrosis factor-α and interleukin-12/23 blockade
α4β7 expression guides B cells to front lines of defense in the gut
Anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies elicited by COVID-19 mRNA vaccine exhibit a unique glycosylation pattern
An Integrated Taxonomy for Monogenic Inflammatory Bowel Disease
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