Авиноам Рехес

Отделение: Неврология
Должность: Профессор руководитель центра по лечению нарушений двигательного аппарата
Принимает: только взрослых

Заведующий центром лечения нарушений двигательного аппарата при отделении неврологии. Выпускник Еврейского университета. Завершил ординатуру в области неврологии при медицинском центре "Хадасса".

Прошел специализацию в области лечения нарушений двигательного аппарата в институте неврологии Колумбийского университета, Нью-Йорк, США.

Возглавляет ассоциацию врачей-неврологов Израиля. Возглавляет комитет по этике при профсоюзе врачей

Области клинической специализации: дегенеративные заболевания нервной системы включая болезнь Паркинсона, нарушения опорно-двигательного аппарата.

Научные публикации

Exploring the factors affecting classification and reporting of uncertain prenatal microarray findings, using a "virtual fetus" model-a pilot study
A Novel, Cardiac-Derived Algorithm for Uterine Activity Monitoring in a Wearable Remote Device
NK-92 cells retain vitality and functionality when grown in standard cell culture conditions
Nectin4 is a novel TIGIT ligand which combines checkpoint inhibition and tumor specificity
A Unique Regulation Region in the 3' UTR of HLA-G with a Promising Potential
IFNG-AS1 Enhances Interferon Gamma Production in Human Natural Killer Cells
Chromosomal Microarray Analysis Results From Pregnancies With Various Ultrasonographic Anomalies
HNRNPR Regulates the Expression of Classical and Nonclassical MHC Class I Proteins
Frequent misdiagnosis of adult polyglucosan body disease
RNA-binding proteins regulate the expression of the immune activating ligand MICB
Transparency with respect to the health of political leaders
Early clinical heterogeneity in choreoacanthocytosis
Frontotemporal dementia and parkinsonism with the P301S tau gene mutation in a Jewish family
Physiology of MPTP tremor
Intrafamilial heterogeneity of movement disorders: report of three cases in one family
Superficial hemosiderosis of the central nervous system
Valproate encephalopathy and hypocarnitinaemia in diabetic patients
Halothane modifies ischemia-associated injury to the voltage-sensitive calcium channels in canine heart sarcolemma
Optic neuritis associated with familial Mediterranean fever
Residual neurobehavioral impairment in a water technician exposed to hydrazine-containing mixtures
The locus coeruleus and dopaminergic function in rat brain: implications to parkinsonism
Role of the central adrenergic system in the regulation of prostaglandin biosynthesis in rat brain
Superoxide dismutase activity is not affected by closed head injury in rats
Complete unilateral ophthalmoplegia as the presenting manifestation of Waldenström's macroglobulinemia
Hemiballism as a presentation of a meningioma
Effect of intrastriatal and intranigral administration of synthetic neuromelanin on the dopaminergic neurotoxicity of MPTP in rodents
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